PDFGambas 1.0.0 review

by rbytes.net on

PDFGambas is a viewer for PDF documents written as an example of the gb.gtk.pdf component usage

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 101K
Developer: Daniel Campos Fern?nd
0 stars award from rbytes.net

PDFGambas is a viewer for PDF documents written as an example of the gb.gtk.pdf component usage. Its first version, written in just five days while writting the component, thanks to the easy Gambas developement platform, includes some features not available in other programs like gpdf,kpdf or kghostview, so some users could find it interesting.

Here are some key features of "PDFGambas":
Find text in a PDF Document.
Copy text from a PDF document.
Thumbnails view.
Document index view.
Internal links are clickable.
rag & Drop from Nautilus and Konqueror.

Gambas >= v 1.9.20
gb.gtk >= v 050929
gb.gtk.pdf >= v 050929
Xpdf for some not yet implemented features in gb.gtk.pdf

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